In today’s market it is incredibly challenging to recruit and retain top talent: every detail, and every day, matters. The key to getting the best candidates and closing them quickly is creating a consistent, repeatable interview process that takes a systematic approach to evaluation. A smart interview process allows you to mitigate natural unconscious bias, prevents you from bringing in your personal preferences while hiring, and focuses your decision making on data.

In the latest episode of the Technical Recruiting Playbooks, Natasha talks about how early-stage founders and teams can build an effective interview process. She covers the four key interview pillars (plus two bonus ones, just for you).

Topics for Discussion

  • Four key parts to building an effective interview process (2:07)
  • Importance of core competencies (3:31)
  • Eliminating biases in hiring candidates (5:08)
  • Testing candidates for your company’s core values (10:04)
  • Giving a chance to candidates to interview you (12:04)