The thing about going after great candidates is that other companies probably are too. If you've found the perfect founding engineer or first AE, you can bet that they're already talking to other teams. So if you want to stand out and make those cornerstone early hires, you need a great company pitch!

The key to an effective pitch is differentiation: there are thousands of developer tools out there, so what makes yours different and interesting? There must be an authentic edge in your product, your company, and your team that makes your pitch attractive so candidates will pick you over other options.

In the latest episode of the Technical Recruiting Playbooks, Natasha talks about the ways to build a unique and persuasive recruiting pitch. A few highlights:

  • Companies should tailor their recruiting pitches to specific candidate personas and the motivators that are driving their decision-making. It's not one-size-fits-all!
  • The recruiting pitch should reflect the pitch founders give investors – ultimately candidates are investing their most precious resource (themselves) into your company, so building tools to showcase the value of the opportunity is key to winning / closing top talent.

Topics for Discussion

  • What is a recruiting pitch? (0:41)
  • How to write a compelling recruiting pitch (1:35)
  • Questions you should answer in your pitch (3:04)
  • Recruiting pitch as a mini-investment pitch (5:44)
  • Assessing whether your pitch is working or not (9:45)